How to lose weight quickly, without diets: Maybe you think it's unrealistic? In this article I will give simple tips to help you slim and healthy body
Tips to help you lose weight without diets and any significant restrictions. It sounds like magic, but it does work, nonetheless.
1. Eat slowly
If you are used to lunch and dinner "like a meteor", try to slow down, as perhaps it is because of the speed you eat more than you need. And, as a result, gain extra pounds, instead of getting rid of them. In the first few weeks will help the timer on your phone: set it to 20 minutes, and make sure that the meal took all the time. Get distracted by taking a SIP of water, and chew each piece carefully.
Steaming or grilling is a great way to preserve the beneficial properties of the food while getting a delicious and flavorful dish.
Try to make fresh or cooked on the grill (how to cook nutritional meals and relax with taste and not gain weight-read here) vegetables were always on your Desk.
In addition to the obvious usefulness, they help visually increase the size of the dish, so you do not seem to have eaten too little to get enough.
Add to this the high water content, which will help to maintain optimal hydration and significantly improve the condition of the skin. Useful advice: prepare vegetables without oil, and season with lemon juice and fresh herbs.
3. Don't forget the soup
Add chicken broth or light vegetable soup to the menu and you will not notice how extra pounds will leave you forever. The soup is especially useful at the beginning of the meal, as it slows down digestion, restrains appetite and does not allow you to pounce on harmful snacks. Among other things, if you get sick, broth is strategically important for a faster recovery and relief of symptoms of the cold. But beware of creamy cream soups that can "boast" a high fat and calorie content.
4. Bet on whole grains
Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat and wheat help to get enough of fewer calories, and at the same time reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. But, best of all, from whole grains are now doing and extremely attractive products. For example, waffles and muffins, pizza and pasta base, as well as "white" whole wheat bread. The main thing - carefully study the information on the package.
Try to make fresh or cooked on the grill (how to cook nutritional meals and relax with taste and not gain weight-read here) vegetables were always on your Desk.
In addition to the obvious usefulness, they help visually increase the size of the dish, so you do not seem to have eaten too little to get enough.
Add to this the high water content, which will help to maintain optimal hydration and significantly improve the condition of the skin. Useful advice: prepare vegetables without oil, and season with lemon juice and fresh herbs.
3. Don't forget the soup
Add chicken broth or light vegetable soup to the menu and you will not notice how extra pounds will leave you forever. The soup is especially useful at the beginning of the meal, as it slows down digestion, restrains appetite and does not allow you to pounce on harmful snacks. Among other things, if you get sick, broth is strategically important for a faster recovery and relief of symptoms of the cold. But beware of creamy cream soups that can "boast" a high fat and calorie content.
4. Bet on whole grains
Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat and wheat help to get enough of fewer calories, and at the same time reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. But, best of all, from whole grains are now doing and extremely attractive products. For example, waffles and muffins, pizza and pasta base, as well as "white" whole wheat bread. The main thing - carefully study the information on the package.

5. Give up bacon
Give up adding bacon to your morning eggs or Turkey and bacon sandwiches for lunch — and 100 calories like never before. It seems quite a bit, but in a week you get rid of the extra 700 calories, and two — from 1500 calories, which is comparable to the "cost" of a small cake with berries. By the way, to make the dish more fragrant can be less high-calorie tomatoes, granular mustard or soft cheese with fresh herbs.
6. Modify your favorite dishes
Love pizza? There's no reason to give it up! Just go to the choice of option wisely: ask to cook pizza on a thin dough, olive oil and cheese using low fat. It is unlikely that the pizzeria will refuse to fulfill the order, but even if, keep in mind that today the consumer can and should choose from a huge number of manufacturers. So maybe it's time to find a new place that you can call "yours."
7. Reduce the amount of sugar
Replace one sweet drink (for example, a glass of soda with ordinary water) and you will avoid 10 tablespoons of sugar. The scale is impressive, isn't it? And if you add lemon, mint or frozen strawberries to the water, the aroma will be even better, and the pleasure will be even more than from the usual Cola. What is the danger of sweet soda? First of all, that liquid sugar is not fixed by our body as a complete meal. So with one bottle you can get up to 450 calories that will go unnoticed. Another interesting thing: according to research, those who in their craving for sweet candy or chocolate, rather than soda, on average gaining less weight.
8. Use a tall and narrow glass
Another life hack from the field of dietetics-replace your regular glass on a high and narrow, and your weight will decrease without a diet. Because so you will drink 25-30% less juice, soda, wine or any other drink. How it works? Brian Wansink, a doctor of philosophy at Cornell University (Cornell University), explains that visual deception can retune the brain. The texts showed that in a low and wide glass, even experienced bartenders pour more drink than in a high and narrow.
And finally, Sleep enough, walk walk in the fresh air and LOVE YOURSELF!
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