As overweight affect health?
How excess weight affects health?
Overweight: a serious public health problem in America. Modern life in America has forced many people to eat more junk food, eat larger portions and less active
As a result, the number of Americans is overweight or obese (overweight). About 1 in 3 American adults are now obese, and another 3 are overweight.
Overweight or obesity can have far-reaching health consequences. According to the U.S. Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC), overweight increases the risk to people:
Overweight or obesity can have far-reaching health consequences. According to the U.S. Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC), overweight increases the risk to people:
Heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
liver and gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea and breathing problems
Abnormal menstrual periods and infertility in women
Some types of cancer
People who are overweight and obese on average don't live as long as people who are on a healthy body weight all their life.
Not only that, adults are more overweight or obese, but most children are too. Among children and adolescents, about 17% are obese. This number is about 3 times higher than it was a few decades ago, although in recent years it has leveled.
Some of the same health problems that affect obese adults can also affect obese children. These are risk factors for heart diseases such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure and asthma, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, muscle and joint problems and diseases. Expected children and adolescents are also at increased risk of social and psychological problems such as discrimination and low self-esteem.
Type 2 diabetes
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
liver and gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea and breathing problems
Abnormal menstrual periods and infertility in women
Some types of cancer
People who are overweight and obese on average don't live as long as people who are on a healthy body weight all their life.
Not only that, adults are more overweight or obese, but most children are too. Among children and adolescents, about 17% are obese. This number is about 3 times higher than it was a few decades ago, although in recent years it has leveled.
Some of the same health problems that affect obese adults can also affect obese children. These are risk factors for heart diseases such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure and asthma, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, muscle and joint problems and diseases. Expected children and adolescents are also at increased risk of social and psychological problems such as discrimination and low self-esteem.
Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents are likely to have weight problems as adults.
We all know some people who can eat ice cream, cake and whatever they want and still don't gain weight.
On the other hand, people who seem to be gaining weight no matter how little they eat. What for? What causes obesity? This allows one person to stay slim without effort, but requires another fight, rather than putting on weight or not regaining the pounds he or she lost before?
At a very simple level, your weight depends on the number of calories you consume, the number of calories you hold, and the amount of burnout. But in each of these States of the world and the environment. Both can affect your physiology (like how fast you burn calories), as well as your behavior (like the types of foods you prefer to eat). The interaction between all these factors begins at the moment of your concept and continues throughout your life.
On the other hand, people who seem to be gaining weight no matter how little they eat. What for? What causes obesity? This allows one person to stay slim without effort, but requires another fight, rather than putting on weight or not regaining the pounds he or she lost before?
At a very simple level, your weight depends on the number of calories you consume, the number of calories you hold, and the amount of burnout. But in each of these States of the world and the environment. Both can affect your physiology (like how fast you burn calories), as well as your behavior (like the types of foods you prefer to eat). The interaction between all these factors begins at the moment of your concept and continues throughout your life.
The caloric equation
The balance of calories stored and burned depends on your genetic makeup, your level of physical activity and your energy consumption for rest (the amount of calories your body burns at rest). If you burn all the calories in a row that you consume during the day, you will maintain your weight. If you consume more energy (calories) than you spend, you gain weight.
Excess calories are stored in your body as fat. Your body stores this fat in specialized fat cells (adipose tissue) - either by increasing the fat cells that are always present in the body, or by creating more of them. If you reduce availability and consume fewer calories than you burn, or if you exercise more and burn more calories, your body will reduce the amount of your fat stores. When this happens, the fat cells decrease along with your waist.
Genetic effects of obesity
To date, more than 400 different genes are involved in causes of overweight or obesity, while only a handful seem to be a major player. Genes contribute significantly to obesity, the effects on appetite, saturation (feeling full), metabolism, craving for food, the distribution of body fat, and the tendency to use food as a way to cope with stress.
The strength of genetic effects on weight disorder varies from person to person. Studies show that for some people, genes account for only 25% of the predisposition to excessive levels of 70-80%. Having a rough idea of how big the role of genes is in your weight can be helpful in terms of treating your weight problem
The strength of genetic effects on weight disorder varies from person to person. Studies show that for some people, genes account for only 25% of the predisposition to excessive levels of 70-80%. Having a rough idea of how big the role of genes is in your weight can be helpful in terms of treating your weight problem
How much of your weight depends on your genes?
Genes probably contribute to your recovery, if you have most or all of the following characteristics:
You've been overweight for most of your life.

You can't lose weight even when you increase your physical activity and stick to a low calorie diet for many months.
Genes are probably no more than for you if you have most or all of the following characteristics:
You are highly dependent on the availability of food.
You are moderately overweight, but you can lose weight when you follow a reasonable diet and exercise program.
You return to weight loss during the holiday season, after a change in eating habits or exercise, or when you are experiencing psychological or social problems.
These circumstances suggest that you have a genetic predisposition to be severe, but it is not so great that you can not overcome it with some effort.
At the other end of the spectrum, you can assume that your genetic predisposition to obesity is modest if your weight is normal and does not increase, even if you regularly participate in high-calorie foods and exercise frequently.
People with a moderate genetic predisposition to overweight have a good chance to lose weight on their own, consuming less calories and more participating in exercises. These people are more likely to be able to maintain this lower weight.
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What are Thrifty genes?
When did production run away or did the harvest end when our ancestors survived? Those who could keep fat alive at the worst times lived, and those who could not die. This evolutionary adaptation explains why most modern humans - about 85% of us-are so-called lean genes that help us save energy and store fat. Today, of course, those frugal genes are a curse, not a blessing. Not only are we easily available almost around the clock for us, we don't even need to hunt or harvest!
On the contrary, people with a strong genetic predisposition to obesity can not lose weight with the help of conventional forms of diet and physical therapy. Even if they lose weight, they are less likely to maintain weight loss. For people with a very strong genetic predisposition willpower is ineffective in combating their tendency to overweight. As a rule, these people can maintain weight loss only under medical supervision. They will also probably need weight loss medications or surgery.
The prevalence of obesity among adults in the United States has been increasing since the 1970s. Only genes can't explain such a rapid rise. Although the genetic predisposition to overweight varies widely from person to person, body mass index growth appears to be almost universal and it crosses the entire demography. These results highlight the importance of changes in our environment that contribute to the epidemic of overweight and obesity.
On the contrary, people with a strong genetic predisposition to obesity can not lose weight with the help of conventional forms of diet and physical therapy. Even if they lose weight, they are less likely to maintain weight loss. For people with a very strong genetic predisposition willpower is ineffective in combating their tendency to overweight. As a rule, these people can maintain weight loss only under medical supervision. They will also probably need weight loss medications or surgery.
The prevalence of obesity among adults in the United States has been increasing since the 1970s. Only genes can't explain such a rapid rise. Although the genetic predisposition to overweight varies widely from person to person, body mass index growth appears to be almost universal and it crosses the entire demography. These results highlight the importance of changes in our environment that contribute to the epidemic of overweight and obesity.
Environmental causes of obesity
Genetic factors are the power within you that helps you gain weight and stay overweight; environmental factors are the external forces that contribute to these problems. They cover anything in our environment that makes us more prone to too much or too little exercise. Together, experts believe that environmental factors lead to a dramatic increase in obesity.
The environmental impact comes into play very early, even before you were born. Researchers sometimes call this intrauterine exposure " fetal programming." Infants of mothers who smoked during pregnancy are more likely to be overweight than those whose mothers did not smoke. The same can be said for babies born to mothers with diabetes. The researchers believe that these conditions can somehow change the metabolism of a growing child in ways that appear later in life.
After birth, infants who breastfeed for more than three months are less likely to become obese in adolescence than infants who breastfeed for less than three months.
Children's habits are often left with people for life. Children who drink sweet soda and eat foods with a high degree of processing, develop a taste for these products and continue to eat their adults, contributing to weight gain. Similarly, children who watch TV and play video games instead of being active can themselves be programmed for future sitting.
Many features of modern life contribute to weight gain. In short, today's "both-war" environment forces us to eat more and to train less. And there's growing evidence that broader aspects of how we live, such as how we sleep, our stress levels and other psychological factors, can also influence weight.
Food factor

Almost everywhere we go - shopping malls, sports stadiums, cinemas - food is easily accessible. You can buy snacks or meals at roadside rest stops, in shops, even in gyms and health clubs. Americans spend more on food they eat at home: in 1970, we spent 27% of our food budget on food from home; by 2006, that percentage Had risen to 46%.
In the 1950s, fast food restaurants offer one-time meals. Today, inflated portion sizes, a trend that has spread to many other foods, from cookies, popcorn and sandwiches to steaks. A typical portion Of McDonald's potatoes contains three times as many calories as when the franchise began. A single "super size" meal can contain 1500-2000 calories-all the calories you want most people to eat all day. And studies show that people often have this in front of them, even if they are already full. Not surprisingly, we also consume more high-calorie foods (especially salty snacks, soft drinks and pizza) that are much easier to access than lower-calorie foods such as salads and whole fruits. Fat is not necessarily a problem; in fact, studies show that the fat content in our diet has actually decreased since the early 1980s. But many fat-free products are very high in calories because they contain a large amount of sugar to improve taste and taste. In fact, many fat-free foods are actually higher in calories than low-fat foods.
Exercise equation
In current government exercise guidelines, an intense hour-long exercise from moderate to vigorous exercise is required. But less than 25% of Americans achieve this goal.
Our daily lives do not offer many opportunities for activities. Children do not study much at school, often because of the reductions in physical education classes. Many people go to work and spend most of the day sitting on a computer terminal. As we work long hours, we have trouble finding time to go to the gym, do sports or do other things.
Instead of going to the local shops and buy bags, we're going to forward megatrastojl where we parked near the entrance, pick up the groceries into the cart and go home. The widespread use of vacuum cleaners, washing machines, sheet blowers and many other devices requires almost all the physical effort of daily duties.
The problem with the TV: Sadalsky appetizer
Our daily lives do not offer many opportunities for activities. Children do not study much at school, often because of the reductions in physical education classes. Many people go to work and spend most of the day sitting on a computer terminal. As we work long hours, we have trouble finding time to go to the gym, do sports or do other things.
Instead of going to the local shops and buy bags, we're going to forward megatrastojl where we parked near the entrance, pick up the groceries into the cart and go home. The widespread use of vacuum cleaners, washing machines, sheet blowers and many other devices requires almost all the physical effort of daily duties.
The problem with the TV: Sadalsky appetizer
The average American watches four hours of television a day, a habit that is associated with overweight or obesity in some studies. Data from the National health and nutrition survey, a long-term study that monitors the health of adult Americans, showed that overweight and obese people spend more time watching TV and playing video games than normal-weight people. Watching TV more than two hours a day also increases the risk of overweight in children, even those who are three years old.
Part of the problem may be that people watch TV instead of exercising or perform other activities that burn more calories (watching TV only burns a little more calories than sleep, and less than other sedentary activities such as sewing or reading). But food advertising can also play an important role. The average hour of the TV show presents about 11 commercials for drinks and beverages that encourage people to eat. And studies show that eating food in front of the TV encourages people to eat more calories and especially more calories from fat. In fact, a study limiting the number of television children watching has shown that this practice has helped them lose weight-but not because they are more active when they are not watching TV.
Part of the problem may be that people watch TV instead of exercising or perform other activities that burn more calories (watching TV only burns a little more calories than sleep, and less than other sedentary activities such as sewing or reading). But food advertising can also play an important role. The average hour of the TV show presents about 11 commercials for drinks and beverages that encourage people to eat. And studies show that eating food in front of the TV encourages people to eat more calories and especially more calories from fat. In fact, a study limiting the number of television children watching has shown that this practice has helped them lose weight-but not because they are more active when they are not watching TV.
Stress and related issues
Obesity experts now believe that a number of different aspects of American society can come to an agreement to promote weight gain. Stress is the common thread that weaves these factors. For example, these days they worked long hours and took shorter or less frequent vacations. In many families, both parents work, making it difficult to find a family to shop, cook, and eat healthy food together. News broadcasts mean that we are hearing more and more reports of child abductions and random acts of violence. This is more than a stress level increase; it also makes parents no longer want to let children ride their bicycles to the Park to play. Ultimately, parents force children to play dates and structured activities, which means less activity for children and more stress for parents. Temporary pressure - be it school, work,
Some researchers also believe that the mere eating irregularly and on the run may contribute to obesity. Neurological findings suggest that the biological clock of the brain - a pacemaker, which controls many other daily rhythms in our bodies, can also help to regulate the signals of hunger and satiety. Ideally, these signals must keep our weight steady. They should motivate us is when our body fat falls below a certain level, or when we need more fat in the body (eg, during pregnancy), and they have to tell us when we feel well-fed and should stop eating.Relationship between brain pacemaker and appetite control center in the hypothalamus suggest that hunger and satiety effect on the timing signals. An Irregular supply circuit may interfere with the effectiveness of these signals in such a way as to promote obesity.
Similarly, studies show that the less you sleep, the more likely you are to gain weight. Lack of adequate sleep tends to disrupt hormones that control hunger and appetite. In a 2004 study of more than 1,000 volunteers, researchers found that people who slept less than eight hours a day had higher body fat levels than those who were awake, and people who slept the least hours and weighed the most ,
Stress and lack of sleep are closely related to psychological well-being, it can also affect diet and appetite, as anyone who is ever going to cookies or potato chips, feels anxiety or sadness, can confirm. Studies have shown that some people eat more when they suffer from depression, anxiety or other emotional disorders. In turn, overweight and obesity themselves can promote emotional disorders: if you repeatedly try to lose weight and fail, or if you manage to lose weight only to get it back, the struggle can cause tremendous frustration over time, which can cause or worsen anxiety and depression. The development of a cycle that leads to more and more obesity, associated with more and more serious emotional difficulties.
Some researchers also believe that the mere eating irregularly and on the run may contribute to obesity. Neurological findings suggest that the biological clock of the brain - a pacemaker, which controls many other daily rhythms in our bodies, can also help to regulate the signals of hunger and satiety. Ideally, these signals must keep our weight steady. They should motivate us is when our body fat falls below a certain level, or when we need more fat in the body (eg, during pregnancy), and they have to tell us when we feel well-fed and should stop eating.Relationship between brain pacemaker and appetite control center in the hypothalamus suggest that hunger and satiety effect on the timing signals. An Irregular supply circuit may interfere with the effectiveness of these signals in such a way as to promote obesity.
Similarly, studies show that the less you sleep, the more likely you are to gain weight. Lack of adequate sleep tends to disrupt hormones that control hunger and appetite. In a 2004 study of more than 1,000 volunteers, researchers found that people who slept less than eight hours a day had higher body fat levels than those who were awake, and people who slept the least hours and weighed the most ,
Stress and lack of sleep are closely related to psychological well-being, it can also affect diet and appetite, as anyone who is ever going to cookies or potato chips, feels anxiety or sadness, can confirm. Studies have shown that some people eat more when they suffer from depression, anxiety or other emotional disorders. In turn, overweight and obesity themselves can promote emotional disorders: if you repeatedly try to lose weight and fail, or if you manage to lose weight only to get it back, the struggle can cause tremendous frustration over time, which can cause or worsen anxiety and depression. The development of a cycle that leads to more and more obesity, associated with more and more serious emotional difficulties.

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